As we start a brand new year let’s look at the first year of your baby’s life. It is an incredible journey filled with milestones, changes, and learning experiences - for both of you! It is a steep learning curve all round!

January is a perfect time to reflect on how far your little one has come and to prepare for the exciting months ahead. Whether it’s rolling over, trying their first foods, or taking those wobbly first steps, each stage is a big step in your baby’s development.
It is always important to remember every baby will reach a different stage in their own time and individual age. Milestones are a guide. If you have any concerns please get in touch or seek advice from your Health Visitor.
Parents are bombarded and overwhelmed with information like never before and I am seeing the parental anxiety dramatically rising.
Remember anyone can post a video, much of it is misinformation. Use trusted resources and keep your sources to just those to avoid overwhelm.

My own daughter didn’t crawl until 13 months but was walking at 15 months. Some babies don’t crawl but bottom shuffle. Some are quicker with their words, others with moving…
“Comparison is the thief of joy” is never more true as a parent. It is so easy to continually think other babies are sleeping, feeding, talking, moving more than yours. Just stay on your path. Trust your instincts. Every baby hits tricky phases even if it looks like other parents and babies are smashing it. It’s a rollercoaster for every parent trying to look after their baby and manage the juggle of life.
Let’s break down the key milestones and how you can support your baby while keeping them safe. This will help yo relax, which will help your baby be happier and calmer.
Milestones in the First Year
0-3 Months:
Smiling for the first time.
Gaining better head control.
Discovering their hands and feet.
4-6 Months:
Rolling over and sitting with support.
Babbling and experimenting with sounds.
Showing readiness for solids (around six months).
7-9 Months:
Crawling or shuffling.
Responding to their name.
Beginning to pull up to stand.
10-12 Months:
Standing independently or taking first steps.
Saying a few simple words like “Mama” or “Dada.”
Developing a pincer grasp to pick up small objects.
Remember: Every baby is unique and develops at their own pace. If you have concerns, reach out to your health visitor for guidance or please get in touch.

Home Safety Tips for Every Stage
As your baby grows and becomes more mobile, their curiosity grows too!
Here are some essential safety tips:
Rolling Over: Never leave your baby unattended, particularly on changing tables, beds and sofas. I see these accidents on every shift in A&E!
Sitting and Crawling: Baby-proof your home with cupboard locks, corner cushions and safety gates.
Standing and Walking: Secure heavy furniture and TVs to walls, and remove small objects they might put in their mouth.
Safety is an ongoing process. Keep revisiting your home setup as your baby masters new skills. Try to be one step ahead.
First Aid Confidence
One of the best ways to feel prepared, especially for Weaning or your baby getting mobile, is to learn baby-specific first aid and accident prevention. Knowing how to handle choking, burns, bumps, or fevers can give you peace of mind.
A baby first aid course will teach you:
How to recognise signs of gagging vs choking and what to do.
CPR techniques for infants.
Basic care for common injuries.
My Baby Steps First Aid courses are designed to be simple, practical, and confidence-boosting for parents.
Weaning: Introducing Solids
Weaning is an exciting time to introduce your baby to the world of food.
Here are some tips to make it enjoyable and stress-free:
The recommended age to start Weaning is around six months, even if your baby was born early.
The key signs to look for are that your baby can hold their head steady, use their hands to put objects to their mouth and that their tongue doesn’t constantly push forward.
Start with smooth purées and/ or soft finger foods or vegetables. Please remember babies won’t digest finger foods until 9-10 months. Have realistic expectations!
Use family food right from the beginning. Adapt what you are having, introduce one new food at a time, watching for any reactions.
Make mealtimes relaxed by sitting and eating together and letting your baby explore their food while they're in their highchair.
Use the freezer as your friend and have a stash of meals ready - family size for all of you.
If you’re feeling anxious about choking, allergies or unsure where to start with Weaning or you've started and need a boost, my Weaning courses and personalised weaning support packages include plans tailored to you and your baby’s and family’s needs.
In 2024, I saw a huge spike in parental anxiety about Weaning due to social media and as a result started my Weaning SOS service. Please do get the support you need so you feel confident, informed and excited about this stage.
The Power of Baby Massage and Relaxation
Baby massage and relaxation techniques can work wonders for you and your little one. Benefits include:
For You: Always start with some deep breaths and stretches. You must be relaxed while giving the massage. Plus this is a chance to slow down, connect, and reduce stress which you need and deserve. The feel good hormones and endorphins will benefit you and in turn your baby.
For Baby: Improved sleep, reduced colic, teething, colds, tummy time and enhanced bonding. Special memories are made!
In our Baby Massage and Relaxation Classes, we teach simple techniques that you can use at home to create calm moments in your busy day.

A Relaxed Parent = A Calm, Happy Baby
The first year can feel overwhelming at times, but remember: taking care of yourself helps you take better care of your baby.
Here are some quick ways to stay calm:
Practice deep breathing or short meditation. I can’t say enough how amazing a few deep breaths can be to reset. We have them with us all the time! Even just a couple of minutes of quiet will massively help you and your baby
Reach out for support when you need it.
Take a few moments each day to enjoy your baby’s laughter, cuddles, and milestones.
At Baby Steps, I am here to support you with expert guidance and a gentle, practical approach. From first aid and weaning to baby massage and relaxation, my courses and support are designed to help you feel confident and connected as a parent.
Want to learn more? Explore our courses and support packages to make your parenting journey a little easier.
Key Takeaways:
Celebrate your baby’s milestones and remember every baby develops at their own pace.
Keep your home safe by adapting it as your baby grows.
Build confidence with a baby first aid course.
Make weaning fun and relaxed for both of you.
Use baby massage to support your baby’s development and create calm moments.

With the right tools and support, you’ve got this!
Katherine x
PS - Look out for the FREE resources on my website too.