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Taking Care of You this Festive Season x

Taking Care of You this Festive Season

By Katherine Whitby

Paediatric Nurse, Health Visitor, Mummy of Two and Founder of Baby Steps

The wild rain and winter chill send me in hibernation mode. While I am definitely a Summer girl, I adore the cosiness of Autumn and Winter. Candles, log fires, curling up with a good book and trashy magazines (when I get 5 minutes!!), Netflix, warming food and a hot bubble bath, all make me very happy. However in the run up to Christmas there can be precious little time to do any of that as we are pulled in different directions, trying to remember a thousand things and keep everyone happy!

Winter gives us the opportunity to rest, slow down and restore. Nature is clever and this is what the trees and plants are going. However, do we actually do that in the magic, fun, chaos and stress of Christmas?? NO!! You will be saying?!! I agree! It can fun and magical but also stressful. The dark, cold, wet weather can affect our mood and often we feel exhausted and sluggish. On top of that we are juggling the demands of family life – no lie ins, broken sleep, chores, rushing around, work and looking after poorly kids. Perhaps we are also putting pressure on ourselves to create magical memories for our little ones and give friends and family a lovely time.

The Christmas shopping list, the buying, ordering, wrapping, all the food, cleaning, decorating, perhaps nursery or school events, It is exhausting thinking about it!!!! And at the moment more than ever we are super conscious of the cost of things too which is in itself a pressure.

So how in all of this can we take care of ourselves?

Here are ideas I have learnt along the way as a Mummy myself, in my work and friends and colleagues I have learnt from, to take care of ourselves. See what you think. Are there any you would add?

Say 'No'

While it can feel all about the FOMO (Fear of missing out) what about JOMO (Joy of missing out) or ROMO (Relief of missing out)?!!!! While some occasions you will really look forward to and love it is so easy to feel overwhelmed and pressured by how much is going on. Also your little ones will feel this too with seeing more people than usual, busy, noisy places and it can all in all be too much. Which can make them unsettled, affect their feeds, sleep etc. Make sure you factor in cosy, down time for you all and be mindful of what you say 'yes' to!

Guilt free ‘me time’ everyday

A quiet cuppa, a hot bubble bath, reading a book/ magazine – 2, 5, 10 ,15 minutes whatever you can squeeze in! It will be game changing for you.

Who can help?

Do not be shy of saying yes to any help of any kind! Whether it's wrapping, shopping, making food, taking the baby or dog for a walk or having 5 mins to yourself - say yes!! Also ask. People often don't know how best to help you and this might even be your other half - bless them. They don't know unless you ask.

Be kind to yourself

Christmas can trigger all kinds of emotions - happy, exciting ones as you make memories with your little ones, but also it can be a trigger to past, difficult family dynamics or situations. Be kind to yourself. Talk to friends and family if you can. If you are finding it really hard to unwind the Calm or Headspace app might help.

Deep Breaths

I say time and time again to all the lovely Mums in my Baby Massage and Relaxation course that we always have a 'our breath'. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing we can take some deep breaths to reset ourselves. Literally at the traffic lights, as we wash up, as we try to get to sleep, on the sofa, get the idea. Try breathing in for 3, hold for 4 and breathe out for 5. It literally resets the brain, reduces stress and anxiety and calms you.

It's a real winner.

Fresh Air

A good old dose a fresh air can do wonders for tiredness, stress, needing time to yourself and escaping tricky relatives! It can be calming and uplifting and depending on where you live a dose of nature can be amazing.

Kitchen Disco

Release any stress by putting on a good tune and having a boogy in the kitchen. It will make you smile, help you let things go and your little one/s will love it!

Find the bits that do make you happy

You may be a Christmas fairy or elf at heart and bloody love Christmas! You may love the idea of it but find the reality stressful (me!). So pick out the bits you do love - the fairy lights, favourite food and drink, your fave Christmas movie. Whatever it may be make a cosy bubble and enjoy the parts of Christmas that light you up.

Make it as easy as possible

When my first born Isabella was tiny, internet shopping was all quite new (it's not that long ago!), and now we couldn't live without it could we?! Get cosy on the sofa, and click away if that is easier than trying to attempt the shops. Are there any food or decorations you could simplify or buy/ outsource?! Can use use/ reuse lovely gift bags to save hours of wrapping (maybe buy a pack in bulk to reduce cost) Seriously think about travel - how long will the journey be and the impact of being away from home. It may be it's easier for you to go to someone else who is cooking, perhaps helping you etc but you may want your own bed, the ease of home and so might your little one.

Make lists/plans

Keep the to do list from buzzing around in your head! If find it calms my mind by having it all out on paper or in my notes on my phone and crossing things off

Beauty Sleep

Obvious and not always easily obtainable with a baby & excited children, but sleep really is the best medicine. An early night when you can, a power nap, plan a lie in when someone can take charge of your little one/s.

Festive Fuel

Eat, Drink and be Merry is at the heart of Christmas we all love to indulge and enjoy. If you are feeling tired and sluggish, add in some veggies and good fats and proteins to give you a boost. Remember to have plenty of water everyday day too.

I hope these tips help you. Do get in touch if you have any to share. We share loads of tips to help parents relax and make life easier, happier and lighter in my Baby Massage and Relaxation course.

For more tips follow me on Instagram and Facebook or join my lovely FREE community,

Wishing you a magical and happy festive season,

Katherine x

Baby Steps offers Baby & First Aid, Weaning courses at home or at Baby Steps HQ nestled in the woods (Gu26 6DG), the perfect cocoon for parents and babies, Baby & First Aid, Weaning courses along with Baby Massage & Relaxation, Mama and Baby Wellbeing. Babies are always welcome.

This information is for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice given by a doctor or any other health professional. Baby Steps is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made or actions taken by a user based on this information.

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