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Winter Safer Sleep Tips By Katherine Whitby


Registered Paediatric Nurse, Health Visitor, Baby Massage Instructor & Mummy of Two Founder of Baby Steps

With the cold spells I have had many questions about the chilly nights and sleeping and so wanted to share my top tips:

  • When checking how warm / cold your little one is, check the chest or the back of the neck. Their hands and feet will often feel cold. They are the outer extremities of the body. The circulation won’t work as effectively. I remember picking up my two to feed them in the night and their hands felt freezing! But when I checked their chest or the back of the neck they were toasty.

  • Check the tog of their sleeping bag and make sure it’s a lovely warm one and fits properly

  • Do not be tempted to put blankets on top of the sleeping bag but extras layers on the baby - long sleeve vests, extra clothing layers.

  • Hats are not recommended inside. Babies’ heads are an important way for them to lose heat.

  • Make sure they are not sleeping too close to a radiator or heater. The recommended room temperature is 16-20C

  • Sleep your baby in the feet-to-foot position with their feet at the bottom of the cot. Firmly tuck in sheets and blankets (no higher than the shoulders) to avoid the risk of your baby’s head becoming covered by loose bedding.

  • Make sure you keep a clear cot without toys or cot bumpers and place your baby to sleep on their back (don’t worry about turning them once they are rolling)

  • Do not use a hot water bottle or any warming aids in their cot

  • If bed sharing, do not use your bedding

You may find this guide from GroBag to help with layers - please however remember to just to use it as a guide and check the chest and the back of the neck as discussed above.

See The Lullaby Trust for more advice about winter safer sleep see my absolute 'go to' for all safe sleeping advice

I hope these tips help you. Do get in touch if you have any to share. We share loads of tips to help parents relax and make life easier, happier and lighter in my lovely FREE community which I would love you to join, plus my Instagram and Facebook

At the Baby Steps Studio (GU26 6DG) I have a new Baby Massage and Relaxation course starting for 5 weeks on Tuesday 21st February plus Baby & Child First Aid and Weaning courses too. I also love coming to support you in your home.

Plus I am so excited to say the Baby Steps Online Course Suite is now open!

It has been a long standing wish, since my Zoom courses in lockdown where I was able to support parents wherever they lived in many different countries, to have courses you can watch on demand in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace and go back to time and time again for reassurance.

I am so thrilled to be able to say I now have two online First Aid Courses.

First Aid for Weaning focuses on the biggest concerns I see on both my First Aid and Weaning courses. It’s the key to happy and confident Weaning, covering choking, allergies, the DRABC resuscitation technique and finger foods.

For a course taking you through from the big emergencies, accidents and illnesses right the way through to managing the practical everyday colds and tummy bugs and keeping your home safe the Ultimate Baby and Child First Aid and Home Safety Course covers it all and gives you an amazing toolkit. Best of all you can refer to it time and time again as your little one goes through different milestones.

I look forward to supporting you in person or online,

Wishing you a happy February,

Katherine x

Baby Steps offers Baby & First Aid, Weaning courses at home or at Baby Steps HQ nestled in the woods (Gu26 6DG), the perfect cocoon for parents and babies, Baby & First Aid, Weaning courses along with Baby Massage & Relaxation, Mama and Baby Wellbeing. Babies are always welcome.

This information is for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice given by a doctor or any other health professional. Baby Steps is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made or actions taken by a user based on this information.

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