As the beautiful Autumn colours appear and leaves fall here are a few top tips to help parents take care. Fallen leaves don't just stop trains they can stop parents in their tracks too. We are often rushing around, distracted or tired and it's so easy to lose our footing especially with a baby in a sling, trying to carry too many things all at once or being in a hurry! Kiddies on bikes and scooters can also take a tumble on slippey paths and pavements.
Take care when lifting buggies up steps, lifting them in and out of cars and always make sure your little one is strapped in. So easy to set off while trying to remember everything and the straps aren't done up.
With the rain showers we are set to have in the coming weeks make sure little ones are kept dry, nothing causes chills faster than wet, damp clothes on baby's and children's skin. It's often worth taking a spare set of clothes to the park in case of wet swings and slides - or a tea towel to dry the equipment with before they use it.
It's great fun to collect the gorgeous leaves, spotting the different colours and shapes. Bring them home to dry and make a collage - just paper and glue stick needed! Perfect for little hands. Leaf rubbing is great fun too with crayons or colouring pencils. Pressing leaves in a big book or flower press is lovely as it saves the leaves for another day. They are also a wonderful memory of a happy Autumn walk. Make sure you add the nice to look back on.
More in the next blog's Winter tips but watch for overheating, togging up for outside and then jumping in the car is a common mistake especially in big snowsuits or jackets. We tend to have our cars super warm and little one's get way too warm. Plus the car seat straps won't work as effectively.
Stay warm cosy and take care.
Katherine x
